Usually, blood vessels in the dermis and subcutaneous layers of the skin are invisible to the naked eye, but skin irritation, UV rays, medications and other factors may cause them to become enlarged and visible. Common examples of vascular lesions include telangiectasia, spider nevi, rosacea and angiomas, facial flushing and background redness.
How we can help
Vascular Laser
We can safely and effectively treat both tiny superficial facial veins and deeper vascular lesions on clients will all skin tones using our vascular laser. The device allows us to target unwanted imperfections such as blood vessels around the nose, face and on the chest.
Find out more about this treatment here
Cutera LimeLight IPL
We use the Cutera LimeLight IPL device to treat vascular lesions. The procedure offers the advantage of improving skin tone and surface imperfections associated with ageing and photo-damage. The LimeLight Facial is ideal for any part of your face, neck and décolleté with skin redness, telangiectasia (tiny veins) or brown spots. Light (low contrast) brown spots, which were previously difficult to resolve, respond very well to treatment.
You can read more about our treatments for vascular lesions here
When will you notice a change after DermaPen Skin Needling?
You can expect some redness and swelling for the first 24 to 48 hours, and it’s normal for your skin to feel warm and tight. If scarring is being treated, localised superficial bruising may occur.A hydrating moisturiser or balm is recommended to aid the flaking of surface skin cells and lessen dry skin for five to seven days after the treatment.Results may vary from person to person, but typically, you’ll notice an improvement after the first treatment. Lasting and more significant results will occur after several sessions.
How many sessions are usually required?
We usually recommend a course of three to six treatments of DermaPen Skin Needling for optimal results. These are usually spaced four to six weeks apart.
Why choose Southern Cosmetics for DermaPen Skin Needling?
We are a cosmetic medical clinic, and our doctors and staff are university-trained. We invest in the latest advances within our industry using cutting-edge technology to help patients achieve beautiful, radiant-looking skin.If you would like to know more about our DermaPen Skin Needling treatments, please book in for a consultation.
Our treatments