Eating for beautiful skin: 6 power foods that will work wonders for your complexion

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While we can treat skin conditions externally, there are certain steps you can take to achieve glowing, radiant skin from within. In addition to getting plenty of sleep and consuming at least two litres of water a day, eating well is another way to cleanse your skin from the inside out. Here are our top 6 power foods that will nourish and protect your skin:

1) Avocados

These lean, green, antioxidant machines should be your go-to food this summer. Avocados are rich in healthy fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that detoxify the body and reduce the appearance of lines. Add avocados to salads and smoothies, or eat them whole. You can even mash these bad boys up and apply them directly to your face for a 10-minute rejuvenating facial. Just don’t open the front door!

2) Oily Fish

Oily fish such as salmon contains a carotenoid called astaxanthin, which improves skin elasticity. The omega-3 fatty acids found in salmon may also protect cell walls from free-radical damage caused by UV rays, according to a 2009 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The moral of the story? Eat at least two servings of fatty fish a week. Bon appétit!

3) Eggs

Cells need protein to repair free radical damage and eggs are a fantastic source of protein. The biotin in eggs helps protect against dry skin, thereby warding off wrinkles and fine lines, while yolks contain lutein, which helps prevent UV damage. Replace sugary breakfast cereals with eggs, and add them to salads or smoothies for a protein fix.

4) Nuts

These small babies are a powerhouse of nutrients. Walnuts are a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids, which are vital for skin repair, while almonds contain large amounts of vitamin E, manganese, biotin, copper, magnesium, riboflavin (vitamin B2), and phosphorus. Brazil nuts are a fantastic source of selenium, a powerful antioxidant that helps protect skin against age spots and sun damage. Just four brazil nuts will give you your recommended daily dose of selenium. Skip your afternoon chocolate fix and raid the nut jar instead!

5) Tomatoes

Lycopene, the carotenoid found in tomatoes that gives them the red pigment, protects skin from sunburn. Studies have shown people exposed to UV light experienced less skin reddening after consuming tomato paste or juice daily. Replace store-bought tomato sauces with the real deal and add tomatoes to smoothies for a quick hit.

6) Broccoli

Broccoli is a great source of vitamin C, which is essential for collagen production. A 2007 study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, found eating more vitamin C-rich foods like broccoli helped ward off wrinkles. Increase your intake by adding broccoli to smoothies or salads.

Eating well is the first step to beautiful skin; the next is to get in touch with Southern Cosmetics. We treat a range of conditions, including pigmentation, rosacea, acne, nail fungus and more. We also offer dermal fillers and anti-wrinkle injections. For a skin consultation, please get in touch.

Southern Cosmetics

324 Bluff Road, Sandringham
P: 03 9533 1100
E: [email protected]