Mask-Ne, is skin breakouts caused by wearing a mask-and it is a thing! So is Mask-Acea, the rosy red glow on your cheeks from the heat generated inside a face mask.
At Southern Cosmetics we would strongly encourage everyone to wear a face mask for their own protection and the protection of the community, and while this skin irritation may be a nuisance, it can be minimised.
So what can you do?
- Don’t wear a mask that is too tight. Masks need to be tight enough to cover your mouth and nose, but not so tight that they leave an imprint on the skin.
- Ditch the heavy make-up. This contributes to congestion-let’s face it, no one will see your perfectly applied foundation anyway!
- Nourish and Hydrate your skin-maintain a good skincare regime, and enhance your skin’s barrier function with some good quality moisturisers and hydrators. We recommend The Skincare Company Hydration Booster, Universkin Nexultra moisturisers, and Skinceuticals B5.
- Let your skin breathe as much as possible-take off your mask when you get home and cleanse straight away.
- Apply an overnight Calming mask or a product such as ASAP Soothing Gel.
- Eat well-sounds basic I know, but diet is important in maintaining skin health.
- Drink lots of water-difficult with a mask on, but try and drink as much as possible when your mask is off.
We have also found the LightStim home LED device for wrinkles with healing red LED light is ideal for soothing mask-related skin irritation.
Finally, if you need any help addressing skin concerns created by or aggravated by wearing a mask, we can help.
Consultations available by phone or at our Sandringham clinic, Monday-Friday 10am-1pm.(Lockdown hours)
Stay safe everybody and wear a mask!
Dr Jenny Kimmins
Fellow CPCA